



由於今天是能登半島地震發生後第一個週末,进展情况石川縣政府表示,現階段以救援及救災活動優先,希望民眾若無必要及非緊急不要前往能登地方。石川縣的珠洲市、全部公布內灘町及加賀市雖然已成立志工中心,但因為珠洲市及內灘町仍無法掌握受災全貌,所以尚未招募志工。日本自衛隊登陸艇送推土機上岸,届中助搶通災區道路 日本有事就是台灣有事:届中衛福部成立石川地震「賑災專戶」,外交部捐款6000萬日圓協助救援 石川強震賑災:大谷攜手道奇隊捐款100萬美元,七尾醫護放棄新年假期趕回災區 【加入關鍵評論網會員】每天精彩好文直送你的信箱,每週獨享編輯精選、時事精選、藝文週報等特製電子報知名科學家暨未來學者Roy Charles Amara曾提出阿瑪拉定律(Amaras law):央第轮 「我們總是高估一項科技所帶來的短期效益,卻又低估它所造成的長期影響。從2018年擔任台大金融科技研究中心主任以來,巡视整改他曾促成兩件台灣金融業產學合作案,其中一件就是玉山金控。


其他一十位受訪職人,央第轮例如禮儀師、掘墓人、犯罪現場清潔工、火葬場操作員,都是處理身後之事,獨有這位處刑人是把人家弄死。本文經Readmoo閱讀最前線授權刊登,巡视整改原文發表於此 延伸閱讀 讀《死亡專門戶》(下):巡视整改「你看到的第一具屍體,不該是你深愛的人」,時常直視死亡才能淡然處之 《死亡專門戶》:腦漿乾掉時不管是紋路或硬度都會和大理石差不多,非常難清洗 【加入關鍵評論網會員】每天精彩好文直送你的信箱,每週獨享編輯精選、時事精選、藝文週報等特製電子報。但是讓採訪者,进展情况也就是本書作者海莉.坎貝爾(Hayley Campbell)更好奇的是,进展情况這類執行處決的人,如何面對殺死這麼多人這件事情?雖然可以做好心理建設,說服自己,反正這些人罪該萬死,他們不要犯罪就好了啊,殺害他們也沒有什麼嘛。以前不曾想過,全部公布坐電椅的死刑是怎麼回事(其實每一款死刑過程都不曾細察),以為通電就死了,像電魚一樣,無聲無息。




劊子手的精神壓力實非外人所能想像Technology and Art in Regional Development Taiwan can also use its soft power advantage in providing direct assistance to the region. In particular, support for young talents through the help of non-governmental sectors. Uniform Lin, the chief operating officer of STARBOARD, an international entrepreneurship incubator, and Magaret Shiu, the founder of Bamboo Studio, shared how to use the power of the non-governmental sector to influence creativity and artistic talents in our New Southbound partners. From space, visas to industry and legal knowledge, STARBOARD assists new entrepreneurs in developing entrepreneurial opportunities in Taiwan, India, and ASEAN. Lin found that this has virtually enhanced Taiwans international image and formed a type of civic diplomacy. He believes that startups have alleviated many problems facing the world today. For example, the development of shared car rides can help ease traffic congestion. But he does not deny that innovations have also introduced new challenges, such as cyber bullying, cyber insecurity, and cybercrime. Demonstrating the spirit of Local Action, Global Connection, Magaret Shiu and Bamboo Studio have developed an extensive international art network in the past 25 years, from European, American, Japanese to Southeast Asia. The epidemic has resulted in job loss for many people and further marginalized disadvantaged groups. Shiu believes that at this time, artists are not just sitting out the pandemic or waiting for subsidies, but people who are more capable of making contributions to society. Because of the perceptual characteristics of artists, they are often more willing to give care to the disadvantaged. Recently, Bamboo Studio has conducted a survey of art units in 12 Southeast Asian countries analyzing to what extent are Southeast Asian art organizations affected by the epidemic, ongoing digital transformation, and community services. Through this survey, they are exploring how art workers are reconsidering the role of art in public health crisis. From the survey, we have observed the influence that art and culture can bring to a society. 疫情更突顯新南向政策為區域連結的支柱 疫情限制了人、國家、區域之間的連結,但面對如此嚴峻的局勢,我們更需要把握時間,加強彼此間的對話與合作,才有可能發展出適合疫情之下與之後的區域關係。Photo Credit:臺灣亞洲交流基金會 Policy dialogue between Taiwan and Indian think-tanks to expand regional strategies From a strategic perspective, Dr. Lai I-Chung, the Executive Director of the Prospect Foundation, and Dr. Patrick Mendis, a Sri Lankan-American scholar, provided their insights on current Chinese geopolitical trends amidst the epidemic. They reminded that in addition to actively dealing with the Covid-19, it is necessary to pay attention to expansionist tendencies that threaten regional stability and peace. Additionally, Dr. Lai I-Chung has indicated that the epidemic has increased unemployment rates in various countries, and international relations have turned from a cooperative atmosphere to vaccine competition, impacting materialism and promoting the rise of populism. Regarding the New Southbound Policy, Mendis suggested that Taiwan should expand policy benefits to increase regional linkages. As a result, the 2020 Yushan Forum also prompted bilateral cooperation between TAEF and the National Maritime Foundation of India. The two organizations signed a memorandum of understanding during the Forum and will conduct joint-research regarding the seven pillars of Indias Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative and the five flagship projects of Taiwans New Southbound Policy. The two organizations will also handle various policy-related dialogues and seminars in the future. TAEF expects that when the epidemic subsides, it will organize a delegation to visit the National Maritime Foundation of India and conduct related policy dialogues and exchanges in India. Photo Credit:臺灣亞洲交流基金會 給青年與公民社會更多發展的機會 在青年發展方面,孟加拉的「青年機會」 組織創辦人Osama Bin Noor指出這個世代的青年獲得許多的教育資源,但青年失業對許多國家,特別是南亞而言,仍然是相當棘手的問題。就新南向政策而論,Mendis建議台灣要將新南向政策的效益擴大化,藉以增加與區域的連結。




New Southbound Policy: A Pillar for Regional Connectivity The epidemic has restricted interactions between people, countries, and regions. However, we need to seize the opportunity and strengthen dialogue and cooperation with each other to develop regional relations suitable for and after the epidemic. In Taiwan, the Yushan Forum is fortunate to proceed as scheduled, allowing Taiwan to link with Asia and even the world during the epidemic, and provide opportunities for governments and non-governmental organizations from different countries to connect. New Southbound Policy is thus an excellent way to promote regional connectivity sustainably. 本文章內容由「臺灣亞洲交流基金會」提供。我們從中看見了藝文對社會產生的影響力。近期竹圍工作室即針對東南亞12國的藝術家和藝文單位進行調查,以了解東南亞藝文組織受疫情影響的層面,因疫情而展開的數位轉型、社區服務、藝術行動,以及藝術工作者如何重新看待藝術在大型公衛緊急事件下的角色。蕭麗虹認為,藝術家在此時,並不只是等待補助救濟的一方,而是更有能力為社會做出貢獻的人,因為藝術工作者感性的特質,往往更願意給予弱勢者關懷。這次的疫情造成許多人喪失了生計,弱勢族群大幅增加。在台灣安全的環境下,玉山論壇有幸如期舉行,讓台灣能在疫情期間繼續串起亞洲乃至於與全球的對話,提供來自不同國家的政府與民間單位持續連結的機會。

Photo Credit:臺灣亞洲交流基金會 蕭麗虹與竹圍工作室以「在地行動,國際連結」的精神,25年來發展出相當廣的國際藝文網絡,從你我熟悉的歐、美、日,到與我們有更多文化連結的東南亞。由臺灣亞洲交流基金會的楊昊執行長主持,以韌性的支柱來開啟序曲,邀及多位民間領袖代表,從智庫、學術、區域青年發展、科技新創、藝文等多元的角度,討論如何以創新的方式來面對現今全球面臨的各項挑戰。

Photo Credit:臺灣亞洲交流基金會 Opportunities for Youth and Civil Society Developments In regards to youth development, Osama Bin Noor, founder of Bangladeshs Youth Opportunities, pointed out that young people of his generation have an abundance of educational resources. However, youth unemployment is still a problem for many countries ironically, especially in South Asia. In response to the issue, Bin Noor established the platform Youth Opportunities to match employment or scholarship opportunities provided by enterprises to young individuals in need of development. His organization held a Write to Fight Post COVID-19 competition during the epidemic so that youth ideas could be heard. Taiwan, which is committed to developing talents in its New Southbound partner countries, can not only take the initiative to provide education and training but also establish cooperative relationships with local youth organizations in the region to achieve a broader impact. Concerning Bin Noors proposition, Dr. Jyotsna Mohan Singh of the Asia Development Alliance reminded not only young people but the poor as well. For instance, it is increasingly difficult for the poor to receive medical support due to privatization and deregulation. From her perspective, if Taiwans New Southbound Policy can regard civil society organizations as one of the salient pillars of national development and maintain the participation of civil society organizations in the countrys decision-making process, it will be both inclusive and transparent. Such a mechanism will enable Taiwan to find its niche and become an indispensable member of the current regional socio-economic development. 用科技與藝術,來協助區域發展 上述是從台灣本身的制度去創新,進而影響區域,但其實台灣也可以透過自身的軟實力,以民間對民間的方式,提供區域、特別是對於人才,更多直接地幫助。因此,在「共同打造堅韌未來」的主題下,今年玉山論壇將民間場次的題目設定為「以創新方案緩解全球挑戰」。


他的組織在疫情期間舉辦了「Write to Fight Post COVID-19」寫作競賽,讓青年提出的抗疫方案能被聽見。他們提醒各國在積極處理國內疫情時,也需要密切關注區域內的各種危及穩定與和平的擴張行為。In addition to figures provided by officials, the Yushan Forum also invites non-governmental organizations from different sectors and fields to share their observations to enrich the depth and breadth of the Forum. Therefore, under the theme: Forging a Resilient Future Together, the topic for the non-governmental session for the 2020 Yushan Forum was Mitigating Global Challenges through Innovative solutions. The session was officially presided by Dr. Alan Yang, Executive Director of Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), and was joined by many civil society leaders in discussing how to address challenges innovatively facing the world, with sub-topics ranging from think tanks, academia regional youth development, technological innovation, as well as art and culture. 擴大新南向戰略,從台印智庫合作開始加強政策對話 首先從戰略的角度出發,臺灣遠景基金會的賴怡忠執行長和斯里蘭卡裔美籍學者Patrick Mendis就疫情時期的中國情勢提出見解。從她的角度看台灣的新南向政策,她認為如果台灣能把民間社會組織正視為國家發展的重要支柱之一,並保持讓公民社會組織參與國家的決策過程,這樣兼具包容性和透明性的做法,能讓台灣找到自己的利基點,在區域的社經發展趨勢上成為不可或缺的一員。


而新南向政策就是促進這個連結永續發展最好的支柱In addition to figures provided by officials, the Yushan Forum also invites non-governmental organizations from different sectors and fields to share their observations to enrich the depth and breadth of the Forum. Therefore, under the theme: Forging a Resilient Future Together, the topic for the non-governmental session for the 2020 Yushan Forum was Mitigating Global Challenges through Innovative solutions. The session was officially presided by Dr. Alan Yang, Executive Director of Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), and was joined by many civil society leaders in discussing how to address challenges innovatively facing the world, with sub-topics ranging from think tanks, academia regional youth development, technological innovation, as well as art and culture. 擴大新南向戰略,從台印智庫合作開始加強政策對話 首先從戰略的角度出發,臺灣遠景基金會的賴怡忠執行長和斯里蘭卡裔美籍學者Patrick Mendis就疫情時期的中國情勢提出見解。


他的組織在疫情期間舉辦了「Write to Fight Post COVID-19」寫作競賽,讓青年提出的抗疫方案能被聽見。而新南向政策就是促進這個連結永續發展最好的支柱。由臺灣亞洲交流基金會的楊昊執行長主持,以韌性的支柱來開啟序曲,邀及多位民間領袖代表,從智庫、學術、區域青年發展、科技新創、藝文等多元的角度,討論如何以創新的方式來面對現今全球面臨的各項挑戰。蕭麗虹認為,藝術家在此時,並不只是等待補助救濟的一方,而是更有能力為社會做出貢獻的人,因為藝術工作者感性的特質,往往更願意給予弱勢者關懷。


Photo Credit:臺灣亞洲交流基金會 蕭麗虹與竹圍工作室以「在地行動,國際連結」的精神,25年來發展出相當廣的國際藝文網絡,從你我熟悉的歐、美、日,到與我們有更多文化連結的東南亞。他認為,新創減緩了許多現今全球面臨到的問題,例如:共享機車的發展有助於舒緩交通阻塞,但他不諱言,新創也同時造成其他新挑戰,像是科技背後潛藏的個人隱私侵略、網路霸凌與犯罪等。

Technology and Art in Regional Development Taiwan can also use its soft power advantage in providing direct assistance to the region. In particular, support for young talents through the help of non-governmental sectors. Uniform Lin, the chief operating officer of STARBOARD, an international entrepreneurship incubator, and Magaret Shiu, the founder of Bamboo Studio, shared how to use the power of the non-governmental sector to influence creativity and artistic talents in our New Southbound partners. From space, visas to industry and legal knowledge, STARBOARD assists new entrepreneurs in developing entrepreneurial opportunities in Taiwan, India, and ASEAN. Lin found that this has virtually enhanced Taiwans international image and formed a type of civic diplomacy. He believes that startups have alleviated many problems facing the world today. For example, the development of shared car rides can help ease traffic congestion. But he does not deny that innovations have also introduced new challenges, such as cyber bullying, cyber insecurity, and cybercrime. Demonstrating the spirit of Local Action, Global Connection, Magaret Shiu and Bamboo Studio have developed an extensive international art network in the past 25 years, from European, American, Japanese to Southeast Asia. The epidemic has resulted in job loss for many people and further marginalized disadvantaged groups. Shiu believes that at this time, artists are not just sitting out the pandemic or waiting for subsidies, but people who are more capable of making contributions to society. Because of the perceptual characteristics of artists, they are often more willing to give care to the disadvantaged. Recently, Bamboo Studio has conducted a survey of art units in 12 Southeast Asian countries analyzing to what extent are Southeast Asian art organizations affected by the epidemic, ongoing digital transformation, and community services. Through this survey, they are exploring how art workers are reconsidering the role of art in public health crisis. From the survey, we have observed the influence that art and culture can bring to a society. 疫情更突顯新南向政策為區域連結的支柱 疫情限制了人、國家、區域之間的連結,但面對如此嚴峻的局勢,我們更需要把握時間,加強彼此間的對話與合作,才有可能發展出適合疫情之下與之後的區域關係。賴怡忠點出,疫情讓各國的失業率攀升,且為了疫苗研發,國際關係從合作氛圍轉為競爭。

建设责任彩票 直面坊间质疑 彩票新政下别被三个论断误导